A Shocking Response, An Opportunity for A Miracle

Century Church Leaves the UMC DONATE NOW Dear Fellow Christians, I am writing to ask for your help with a critical situation that Century Church is now facing. We need to raise $441,000 by July 5, 2023 to pay our disaffiliation fee from The United Methodist Church. Failure to do so could result in the […]
We Choose Pike Road!

When Century Church started in the Pike Road Elementary School, it was our vision to put our “community first.” In fact, this has become our purpose as a Christ-centered congregation seeking to spread the love of God in our fast-growing town. From supporting our local schools and businesses to helping to shape the future for our children, Century Church is choosing to help build our town.
Four Design Principles for the Century Project

1) Community first, church second. 2) Partnerships that matter. 3) Incremental design. 4) Sense of adventure and creativity.